High quality surfaces are essential in many industrial applications and often present a challenge when employing additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, especially in meeting tight tolerances and achieving precise surface quality.
Additive processes often require additional post-processing to meet these demanding requirements. This study, written by Tecnalia researchers Asier Lores, Iñigo Agote, Xabier Gómez and our teammate Unai Andrés, investigates the impact of cost-effective surface treatments on parts produced by Sintering Based Additive Manufacturing (SBAM), specifically Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). It focuses on affordable post-processing methods, such as shot blasting and vibratory polishing, to improve surface quality while maintaining a competitive price.

Visual appearance of some samples with different shot blasting treatments.
The results indicate substantial improvements in surface roughness; however, certain treatments have the potential to modify part geometry and round the edges, which can affect dimensional accuracy.
To read the full text of this study, you can request a copy directly from the authors.